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Gift Aid


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Did you know? You can make your donation go even further, at no extra cost to you, with Gift Aid.

If you are a UK tax payer, you can add Gift Aid to monetary donations and goods donated to our charity shops.

If you donate £10, we can claim an extra £2.50 at no extra cost to you!

If you donate an item to one of our charity shops, which sells for £20, we can claim an extra £5 at no cost to you or the buyer!

Gift Aid can be applied to donations made through our website and JustGiving - just tick the 'Yes, add Gift Aid' box and your donation will be worth 25% more!

If you're donating goods, there's a quick and simple form to fill out, then you'll receive your Gift Aid number which you can give to us each time you donate.

If you'd like more info, please pop into one of our charity shops and speak to a member of our team.