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Old Age Pups finally find retirement home together

Sox and Scooby

Authored on: 26 September 2024

Sox and Scooby came into our centre all the way back in February as they weren't getting the care they needed in their previous home. They were both suffering from untreated skin conditions and were badly in need of dentals. At 10 years old, these boys were going to need a lot of treatment and care to get them well enough to be rehomed...

They started a course of treatment for their skin and were booked in for neutering and dentals. Scooby only needed 4 teeth removing while Sox had a whopping 13 teeth removed! Soon enough their mouths were feeling a lot better, their skin was starting to heal and their fur was starting to grow back, so it was time to start the search for their forever home.

Initially they were advertised as a pair as they had always lived together, but finding a family willing to take on two older dogs with a few health complaints would be a tall order. Weeks went by without any interest, but eventually we received an application. Unfortunately it wasn't the right fit so we continued searching.

Even more time passed and our boys still weren't getting any interest, so we considered whether Sox and Scooby would be suited to separate homes, however they quickly made it clear to us that they needed each other, so we carried on advertising them as a pair.

Finally, an application came in from a family down south who were happy to travel all the way to Derby to meet the boys.

We all kept our fingers crossed that the meet would go well... and it did! The family wanted to adopt both boys and give them the perfect retirement home they truly deserved!

After 182 days in our care, Sox and Scooby set off on an adventure south, and they haven't looked back!

Here's Scooby in his favourite spot


and Sox soaking up the sun.


As you can see, they've made themselves right at home!

Sox and Scooby asleep